
10,000 Won gift voucher if card is used for 7 days

가디언이십일 2010. 1. 17. 21:26
발행일: 2009/05/02  정창곤 기자 

10,000 Won gift voucher if card is used for 7 days
“Citi Card All Winner Event”

【국법일보/시사프라임】Citibank Korea(CEO Ha Yung Ku, www.citibank.co.kr) is running “Citi Card All Winner Event” for all Citi Card members (Citi BC, Corporate Card excluded).

Citi Card members can register their cards on Citibank Korea homepage or via ARS (1644-1111), spend on their card for 7 days out of 10 days between May 1 and 10, and receive Shinsegae gift voucher worth 10,000 Won if total spending exceeds 100,000 Won (excluding Cash Advance, Card Loan, Bus/Subway).

Since the event coincides with Parent’s Day, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, it is easy to meet the target and those who use card for 10 consecutive days will receive Paris Baguette gifticon of 5,000 Won on top of the Shinsegae gift voucher.

For details, please log on to Citibank Korea homepage (www.citibank.co.kr).

In addition, all Citi Card members can enjoy 2-3 months free EPP at all merchants until end of June this year, which will help consumers to make smart spending plans especially during high spending period.



정창곤 기자   oldpd@paran.com

기자 블로그 http://blog.daum.net/babopd

www.sisaprime.co.kr  www.igbnews.com

jung chang gon  a writer  mail; oldpd@paran.com 

<무단전재-재배포 금지/위 기사에 대한 모든 법적 권한 및 책임은 저작권자(c)국법일보/시사프라임 에 있음>